Postmodernism is among other things a sick joke at the expense of ... revolutionary avant-gardism

space is process

olafur eliasson is a designer and artist who is concerned with space. how we measure space, react to space and interact with it. what makes a space hospitable, comfortable, intriuing, hostile or undesirable? does the way people behave in a space make a difference?

in new york a temporary waterfall was installed under the brooklyn bridge to 'measure' space. flowing water has a fairly consistent speed which can be understood differently at different distances. in this way we can perceive how far away the waterfall is and grasp some kind of notion of the distance between you and the water or the distance between brooklyn and manhattan.

 project in the tate modern, london. a mirror sphere illuminated like the sun hangs from the ceiling and fog is distributed evenly across the space. the fog makes the space visibe whilst the mirror shows us how we react to the space and our impact on it.